
2 days


Managers work in a very dynamic, ever-changing and complex environment with multitude of tasks, meetings and e-mails, but our education rarely covers these topics. In many situations working time and private life is affected. We wanted to fill this gap and give every manager a set of practical and industry-proven tools that greatly help in everyday work.

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6 months

Leadership Academy

Very few companies have a systematic leaders development program in place that equip people with the right tools. Rarely there is a systematic soft skills training available. This is why managers frequently work long hours and sacrifice their private life, while their development is chaotic – reading random books, articles on the Internet and attending conferences. We wanted to make a change by creating an effective training cycle that covers best, industry proven techniques for project management, personal and team productivity, interpersonal communication and making presentations.

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2 days

Scrum and Agile

Scrum and Agile are becoming very popular, but even with a lot of available information not many people “feel” Scrum and fully understand values that it brings. Quite often each level of management in an organization has its own understanding of Scrum and this is why so many organizations create dysfunctional hybrids that are not satisfying for management, developers and others. We wanted to fill this gap by providing systematic knowledge, supported by many years of practice, but also give people the experience of self-organizing team and other core Agile values.

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Do you have any questions?

Just leave me a message. I read all of them personally. Piotr Nabielec
ul. Smolki 12B/6B
30-513 Kraków